
The Pictures Not Taken

February 27, 2015

If you follow me on social media you know that I LOVE LOVE LOVE taking and posting pictures.  Love it.  I love sharing my story, my family, and my world.  I think I am privileged to live such a beautiful life and am grateful that it’s mine to share.

However, I want you to know about the pictures that I don’t take and the stories I don’t share.

Daily our home is filled with people who come to visit our children and stop by to say hello.

Daily our home is filled with people who come desperately needing their next meal ask for our help.

As we walk the streets we see neighbors and friends and chat about how much we love Ocean View.

As we walk the streets we see neighbors and friends addicted and broken and struggling to make it moment by moment.

In our ministries we see children, women, young men, and leaders growing and flourishing towards their destinies in Christ.

In our ministries we see many people who feel they just can’t live up to what God has dreamed for them and give up before their destiny is realized.

In the pictures I take you see people who are my heroes who are living lives honoring and following Christ despite great challenges and hardships.

What is not in my pictures are the people, also still my heroes, who can’t today live lives that fully honor Christ but live with hearts that are FULLY LOVED BY CHRIST even in their brokenness.

I LOVE OCEAN VIEW and I love to celebrate the work God is doing here.  I will continue to shout it from the rooftops because God is working miracles in my midst and He deserves complete praise and glory.

I LOVE OCEAN VIEW and daily I walk beside people whose stories are not finished yet and still have a way to go in their journey.  My story isn’t finished yet either and there are many places that aren’t healed yet too.  Together we walk and we pray and we cling to the hope that Jesus will save and heal and make our hearts whole.

So I will continue to share many pictures and stories, but know there are so very many more that can’t be told yet because I want to honor my friends in the midst of their miracles.  We are ALL in the MIDST OF SOME MIRACLES and together we walk until they are fully realized and fully told.

What miracles are you in the midst of?

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On Being Vulnerable

February 16, 2015

Sometimes when I am really vulnerable or open I am surprised by people’s reactions to me.  My openness about something suddenly highlights that being vulnerable isn’t always the chosen path.  I forget that.

I confess that I am definitely not always vulnerable.  I am like 95% totally and unashamedly vulnerable.  So I will tell you that Kieren and I BOTH had lice last year and I thought I was going to lose my SOUL over it.  And I will tell you that the last time I peed my pants was in college in my friends car when we were driving around being crazy and I was laughing and couldn’t stand it anymore.  Or I will tell you that I truly know I am like a horrible parent most of the time and our kids are only surviving because Casey and I parent together.  I am not being humble there; that’s just true.

But there is that 5% of myself that I keep hidden and locked up very tight.  While I am super (and annoyingly) open about most of my life there is a tiny part that I hate to share and secretly I think if you knew about it you would make a face and run away.  Or I think if I had to say it out loud I would run away from myself.  Can you relate?

But we aren’t always given to choice with what we want to share or not.  Sometimes it just comes out.  Actually I think it always EVENTUALLY comes to the light, but sometimes the dam of hiddenness breaks open and it all comes pouring out.  And we are standing there in the mire and muck with eyes starting and hearts open.

I have learned so much from living in Africa for five years, but I have probably learned the most about God and the second most about myself.  I have learned that being stripped of comforts and gifting and praise and security isn’t always a bad thing.  I have learned that having to share and rely on others can be good.  I have learned that when it all comes pouring out not everyone runs away.  I have learned that the ones who stick around are the ones you want there in the first place.

God has humbled me here in Africa beyond what I could have ever imagined.  I am not nearly as together as I thought I was.  I am a person desperate on God’s strength and transformational love every day.  I do NOT have it together and when I share how God is healing the broken places in my world others can relate.  WE DO NOT HAVE IT TOGETHER but WE ARE NOT ALONE.

I have learned that being vulnerable makes you more connected and at home then you ever were before.

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Choose Kindness

February 12, 2015

This is a story that needs to be told and I have labored for four weeks to write it because it’s painful to recall all the details. But I share it as a cautionary tale and to inspire us to CHOSE KINDESS.

We flew from the United States to Cape Town, South Africa as a family in January as we have for the past five years of our lives with our children. Kieren is a pro at these trips and has no problem with the unbearably long travel, but Keller, now being diagnosed with autism, was going to struggle with it more than most children. Breaking up his normal schedule, not sleeping in a bed, being in close quarters and having to sit for hours and not understanding the entire situation are a few of the challenges we faced. We worked for months to prepare Keller for the changes and travel and truthfully he handled most of it incredibly. What we did not foresee was that our greatest challenge would be from the flight attendants working on our flight. Their job description reads as such:

“Flight Attendants are responsible for the safety and service of our passengers. Duties Include food and beverage service, assisting passengers with disabilities, answering inquires and operating mechanical and safety equipment.”

We have a son with a disability and even notified the airlines before, but because autism is a processing disorder in the brain, it is not visible. The flight attendants on our flight were doing their jobs of feeding us, making sure we were buckled, and keeping the order among the passengers. They however, did not know Keller had a disability and quickly became visibly aggravated but his odd behavior.

In the second hour of a long flight I was hurriedly chided for allowing my son to watch his DVD player without headphones. Not only did this flight attendant not even look at me when barking her instructions, she did not know the situation of my disabled son and his inability to use headphones because of his anxiety. I was then wounded and the exhaustion mounted as the hours went by.

In hour five of our flight my son became incredibly anxious and inconsolable and was screaming and crying for an extended period of time. I tried to calm him in our seat, but it was dark on the plane during the ‘sleeping’ time so I tried to go to the galley area to rock and calm him there. This is where it got ugly. I was attempting to rock my wiggly and screaming (huge) two-year-old near the bathrooms as a flight attendant sat in her fold-out seat. She pretended not to notice me (IMPOSSIBLE) and continued leisurely reading her newspaper. Finally she was fed up, loudly folded her newspaper and looked right at my inconsolable son saying, “SHHHH. People are trying to SLEEP on this plane.”

I lost it. Well on the inside I lost it. I wanted to punch her and scream and fall into a crying mess all at the same time. I did none of that (as moms we put our own feelings on hold to work out at a later time).

I looked into her eyes and said sternly, “I am sorry, but my son has autism and he is doing the BEST that he can.” She was visibly and immediately startled and fumbled around with her paper then blurting out, “Well… uh… I have that too. I mean… uh… I have nieces and nephews… I mean… I WAS JUST TRYING TO HELP!” And she stormed off. My heart was broken, I thought completely, until literally a minute later another flight attendant walked towards me with her food cart and harshly said, “You need to move now, we need this area.” NOW I was done.

I went to my seat holding my (STILL CRYING) son and WEPT with all of my being. My husband was obviously very concerned but it took me a while to even get out what happened. I have never cried from such a deep place. I have never MOURNED from such a deep place.

In those moments, I didn’t want my husband to go and defend us, I didn’t want the women fired, and I didn’t even want to ever share this again. I just wept for autism. I wept for my son who had to struggle and fight daily just to interact with the world in a normal way and how much he is unfairly judged for it. I wept for the many ignorant people who do not know about autism and see the incredibly brave people who live with it daily. I wept that someone was mean to Keller as he was doing the best I could. I wept because I was also doing the best I could do. I wept because Keller has autism and it’s not fair and it’s not right. I wept.

Eventually Keller quieted and eventually I too quieted. As my tears began to slow I immediately felt the love and presence of God around me. Even though this world can be deeply and unimaginably UNKIND I know personally a God who ALWAYS moves towards me in kindness. Our God is love and our God is kind. Always. In this instance Keller and I deserved nothing but kindness and to treat us otherwise was hideous, but even when judgment and anger is DESERVED in our lives, my God still moves towards me with a kind heart. It is revolutionary. In those quiet moments I felt my God with me calming me, holding me, and speaking His words of truth over me.

If I could find these flight attendants and get my revenge I would turn it down. These women were tired and grouchy for their own reasons. Yes they should have helped me, yes they should have checked on me, and yes they should have been kind. But they weren’t. Life happens and people aren’t always kind.

If I could speak with these women now, or anyone on an airplane, I would explain to them about how brave and special my little Keller is. I would tell them that unfortunately he was born with autism, and so his brain doesn’t process the way our brains process. He gets anxious, he gets overwhelmed, he gets confused, he gets loud, and he gets exhausted. I think we would all be if we had his brain and I think he is a HERO for living such a beautiful life despite his disability. I would tell those women that families like ours fight every day and we are always scared of the judgments and the looks. We are also tired and we are also overwhelmed. But we are PRIVILAGED to raise and love this sweet boy with a unique brain and every person he comes in contact with is also privileged. I would tell them to look twice before being harsh and ask questions before judgment. I would say sometimes people need an extra smile or an extra napkin or an extra hug. We are all fighting in our own ways, and kindness can change everything.

I would say that we all need to CHOOSE KINDNESS.

I believe that my life raising Keller is an invitation to the world.

It is an invitation to open our eyes and hearts to those who are different than us. Those who struggle. Those who fight daily. Those who are weak and those who need a little extra help. Instead of seeing the ways those people burden us, what if we looked for what they brought into the world that we would never know without them in our midst. Keller and his autism help me notice every little detail and cause my heart to be thankful for life and love. Without his diagnosis I would have undoubtably missed so many beautiful and sacred moments.

The moments when people are KIND to us, when they help us, when they forgive us, when they love Keller for who he is, for who WE ARE, are the most precious treasures I have received. And I recognize that my God moves towards me with this kindness and love EVERY SINGLE MOMENT. I am in awe. I am humbled. I am thankful. It is all I need.

All we need is for this world to CHOOSE KINDNESS.

Will you?

Five Ways to Last As a Missionary

November 7, 2014

This past October we will celebrated five years on the mission field living in South Africa.

This is a momentous and special occasion for us and definitely something we celebrated.  Not because we are so special for lasting this long, but more because those we love and serve are so special for putting up with us so long!  No but seriously…

So it has me thinking of HOW DID WE MAKE IT THIS LONG??

In honor of our five year anniversary on the mission field here are:


1. GIVE and RECEIVE .  Many missionaries come in to serve, help and love people.  This is based on the assumption that I have something and those I am coming to serve do not.  I am blessed.  I am whole.  I am healed.  I have resources.  I have and they do not.  Obviously most missionaries do not realize this is their thinking, but it’s an underlying assumption and it separates you from those you serve and can quickly create a ‘Messiah Complex.’  Urban Dictionary describes the Messiah Complex as “a state of mind in which an individual holds a belief they are, or are destined to become, a savior.  Jesus had a messianic complex.”  Umm yeah, Jesus had a messianic complex because HE WAS THE MESSIAH.  WE ARE NOT.  We need to know that while we have been blessed with some talents, gifts, finances, and training, there is SO MUCH that we can learn from those we serve and we always need to be open to what God wants to teach us.  Trust me, He has a LOT to teach you.  Be ready to teach and help but be open handed so you can also receive from those God puts you among.

2. CREATE COMMUNITY. Oh man you can’t do this journey alone.  We have had a few instances happen in our story here that FORCED us to create community (i.e. major burn accident and special needs diagnosis) but no matter the ease of life we always need to do this life together.  You need people to pray with you, laugh with you, cry with you, work beside you, and celebrate all the milestones of ministry on the mission field.  Bring people on the journey with you and it will be so much fuller.

3. Love SCANDALOUSLY.  When you go into the mission field I want to let you know one thing you will encounter that you won’t expect: BROKEN PEOPLE.  The people you will go to love will be pretty unlovable at times and it is hard to love broken people.  They don’t know how to receive love or give love.  People will hurt you and try to break you and manipulate you and turn their back on you.  When this happens… love anyways and love SCANDALOUSLY.  We are called in Philippians to have the humility of Christ who gave everything to love His people, and we must follow that example.  Don’t just love the ones who are easy to love, the ones who come to all your events, the ones who respond to your brilliant sermons and studies, but seek out the really broken and hurting.  They need it most and love even when it’s beyond reason and scandalous.

4. LIVE in Scripture.  As a pastor for many years, I have taught scripture, read scripture and studied scripture for my bachelors and Masters’ programs.  I KNOW much about scripture, but as a missionary I have learned that I have to LIVE in scripture.  I eat scripture and devour it like my life depends on it.  We have faced so many huge trials in our five years here and huge challenges we face in serving the people here in Africa.  Without scripture I honestly don’t think we could have made it through what we have faced.  God has been sovereign and allowed these things to happen in our lives, but learning to cling to HIM for power and strength in it all has changed our lives.  We find that strength, hope, guidance, and inspiration in God’s word.

5. Seek out REST.  This last one is the hardest for me.  Seems that my life trained me to be a ‘do-et’ and not a ‘rest-er’ but I have found that you desperately need to be both.  Our hearts, our health, our families, our entire lives desperately need both.  We know so many missionaries and pastors both near and far who struggle with finding rest as well and we are convinced that the only cycles and habits of rest and renewal will allow the spiritual worker to make it for the long haul.  Find out what gives you rest and renewal and put it on the schedule.  Be unapologetic and persistent about your rest.  Your life depends on it.

Now go and change the world!  Or rather, be changed by the world you SERVE!

Listening in Ocean View

November 3, 2014

“Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” – Proverbs 11:14 ESV


Fun and exciting new developments are happening in Ocean View.  We are recognizing a gap where God is asking us to step in and we are taking the plunge to love others.  We have been serving in the Ocean View High School over the past year running the Shine and Strength Courses that are written by Hillsong Church, teaching girls and boys of their inner worth and value through Biblical principals.  These courses have been hugely successful and really welcomed by the school and students.  However, we always left feeling there was MORE that needed to be done.  MORE that God wanted us to do.


“The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.” -Proverbs 12:15 ESV


Over the past 9 weeks I have been overseeing two students from Azusa Pacific University in California who are here doing a study abroad program and needed an internship.  They volunteered in various places in Ocean View doing counseling, and OV High was their primary place to serve.  They met with a few students and counseled them but it showed us that SO MANY MORE are needing someone to listen to them.


“Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger;” -James 1:19 ESV


So we are making plans and moving ahead.  My ‘WE’ is myself, Chevonne Lawrence, the Ocean View Methodist Youth Pastor, and Hannah Ross, our volunteer from Raleigh,NC who is here working with us in the View.  We are setting up structures in the high school so we will regularly have ourselves and other counselors in the school meeting with students who are in need.  Students will be nominated by their teachers if they are showing problematic behaviors or signs, and they can also nominate themselves to speak with someone.  We will also be weekly encouraging the teachers at one of their faculty meetings in order to support and connect with them.  Furthermore, we will continue our Shine and Strength courses and even start to do MORE!  Lastly, we are setting up a room at the Methodist Church that will be a counseling room; safe and private for any who want to counsel those in needs.

Really exciting stuff.  This has been on my heart for years and now together with my team we are setting up structures to actually help those in need and let them know we are here for them.  I can’t wait to see how God works and can’t wait to share it with you!

The Crossings

October 28, 2014

Lately I have been feeling super nostalgic.

I am reflecting back on the past five years of mission and ministry here in South Africa.

This week I found an old CD and put it in during dinner and play with the family.  Suddenly the last song stopped me in my path and shot me back to five years ago right as we were finishing our preparations to move our lives here to Africa.  It is called “The Crossings” by an artist named David Wilcox.

The song speaks about starting a new journey and the moment you are standing at the crossroads looking at both what you are leaving behind and what could be ahead.

I remember literally crying my eyes out listening to this song as I looked into the abyss ahead not having any idea what could be ahead in our world as we moved to Ocean View.

Five years later I can’t imagine what life would look like if I HADN’T crossed that road into my new life in South Africa.

It encourages me to continue looking ahead to the ‘new worlds’ in my future.

I will be in South Africa for a long time in my future, but God always has new roads, adventures, and challenges ahead.  Are we willing to cross over and take the leap of faith into the unknown ahead?  I hope we are.

“The Crossings” by David Wilcox

We set sail from the harbor
On the trade routes of old
Where the tall ships of spices
Bring the bright dreams of gold

There are towns full of travelers
Where the stories are told
Of the lost and the longing in the little known language
Of the wayward and bold

On our way to the crossings
We had to leave where we’d been
‘Cause the roads we came over had come to an end

So we meet here as strangers, bonded as friends
We were torn from the fabric
But the threads of our lives are beginning to mend

And the hardest mile to travel
Is that first away from home
When we wonder at the hunger of being alone
But then these tears flow with laughter

With these friends we never knew
They’ve been waiting at the crossings
For this to come true
The world of wonder set in motion is waiting for you

There are clues in the legend and gifts in the signs
That lead to the treasure we’ve been searching to find
Like a map newly written of an ancient design
We have come to the crossings
Like the travelers before us, through the ages of time

And the hardest mile to travel
Is that first away from home
When we wonder at the hunger of being alone
But then these tears flow with laughter

With these friends we never knew
They’ve been waiting at the crossings
For this to come true
The world of wonder set in motion is waiting for you

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It's Our Anniversary!

October 22, 2014

It’s anniversary time!  We are so happy to celebrate that we have been in SOUTH AFRICA serving for FIVE YEARS!  What the what?!?  But what we are most cheering about is that we have lived in the incredible Ocean View community for five years.


1. The noises.  There is always something happening.  Always someone in conversation.  Always a dog barking.  Always music playing.  Always someone sharing in someone else’s life.  I love that.  If I need to go write a sermon or focus on something I like to sit in a crowded coffee shop with lots of noises and action.  I dig lots of stuff going on and I dig Ocean View.

2. The food.  My people know how to eat and value food.  It is awesome.  It has always reminded me of my Mexican heritage (my Mom is Mexican-American) because people in Ocean View love to gather and share food together.  Another great thing about Ocean View is that while food is a value, there are many who do not have a meal to eat some days, including many vulnerable children.  What I see is that those who have are ALWAYS sharing with those who don’t and making sure children go to bed with a meal.  My friends are always sharing with those who are in need.  In addition, when there is something to celebrate it is done with FOOD.  People love to have gatherings for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, accomplishments, holidays and anything else in between.

3. The laughter.  You know the Prince’s love some laughing and this is something that is really valued in the community of Ocean View.  Come to any meeting, dinner, gathering or even tea and you will eventually hear laughter.  Laugher is LOUD and done with the entire body.  I remember vividly seeing a stand-up comic we love named Trevor Noah with a group of friends and our friend Treswill was laughing so hard that he unintentionally was hitting the seat in front of his with his knees.  He didn’t even notice but the people in front of him did and kept looking back at him hoping he would stop.  I told him of his kicks and he changed his sitting position but continued to laugh WITH HIS ENTIRE BODY.  It was awesome.  And it’s normal.

4. THE COMPASSION.  You guys.  In Ocean View you SEE IT ALL.  Pain, suffering, abuse, gangsterism, addiction and just HURT.  You would think people would be so use to it that they don’t even notice it happening, and unfortunately that does happen at times.  But the norm in Ocean View is COMPASSION and response to those who are hurting and in pain.  I am frequently humbled when I hear about how my friends in Ocean View respond to hungry children at their doorstep or people who need to borrow money… again.  Compassion is deeply woven into the fabric of hearts here and it challenges me to be God’s compassionate hands and feet even more in this community I love.

  5. The LOVE.  People in Ocean View love FIERCELY.  They take care of their own family and they love really deeply.  The love of the people here in Ocean View has spilled into our lives and we will never be the same.  We see it most vividly in the way people here love our children.  They hug and kiss them spoil them beyond anything they deserve.  Even with Keller who struggles to interact with anyone because of his autism, he has LEARNED how to love people because of those who have loved him in Ocean View.  That is profound and true.  We are loved beyond our failures and weaknesses here and seen just as we are.  That is true love and we are so blessed to experience the love of Ocean View.

Happy anniversary Ocean View!  To MANY MORE!!

The Other Side of Kids in the Bed


September 15, 2014

You know those nights where your kids are sick and miserable and have disgusting fluids coming out of every orafice and they will ONLY settle if in YOUR bed, disrupting your precious treasured sleep?  Those long nights with feet in your back and little snores and coughs and you wake up feeling more tired then you went to bed?  I just realized that I would do ANYTHING for one of those nights.

There is another side of kids in the bed.  The other side is when your kid won’t ever sleep in your bed.

Keller is an INCREDIBLE sleeper and always has been (PRAISE THE LORD HALLELUJAH).  Many kids with autism really struggle with sleep and so we are super blessed in this regard.  I remember Keller at about four months old when he suddenly WOULDN’T LET ME rock him to sleep.  He literally pushed me away and arched his back leaning towards his crib.  He WANTED to be alone.  He WANTED to fall asleep alone.  He still does.  I think his crib is like his happy alone-time-space.  He loves it.  This all sounds super great I know and what could possibly be the problem??  I found out last night.

I am in bed reading before I fall asleep and suddenly I hear Keller’s bloodcurdling screams from across the house.  I ran to Keller’s door but Casey was already in his room so I RESTRAINED myself and sat outside the door.  Casey was doing everything right.  He was cuddling Keller, rocking him, singing to him, and NOTHING WAS WORKING.  Keller eventually pointed to his bed and Casey put him back in his bed and closed the door as the screams continued.  We sat outside the door as Keller eventually quieted after a minute or so.  PAINFUL for a parent.  More painful that in about another hour Keller woke me up screaming again but this time I went in to rescue him in his bed only to have him again point back to his crib after I took him out. I put Keller back into his bed, un-cuddled and un-loved and walked out the door.  Again Keller settled in a minute and awoke in the morning happy as a jaybird as if nothing had happened.  My heart was still sore from the events (and even feels sore just writing about it now).

It is excruciating as a parent when your child is sick or in pain.  Let me tell you, it is FAR MORE EXCRUCIATING when your child is hurting and WON’T LET YOU COMFORT THEM.  This is a major part of the life of a parent with autism.  “Many children with autism have a reduced sensitivity to pain, but are abnormally sensitive to sound, touch, or other sensory stimulation. These unusual reactions may contribute to behavioral symptoms such as a resistance to being cuddled or hugged.”  Keller will hug and cuddle sometimes but evidently HATES to be held when in distress during the middle of the night.  We have had him react this way MANY times in the middle of the night as he seemingly only wants to be alone in bed.  So hard.

I was thinking about the many parents who discuss ‘co-sleeping’ and kids in the bed and the endless debate about how to get your kids to SLEEP in their own bed.  We had some fights with Kieren for sure, but now having a child who hates to be cuddled at all is the most difficult by far.  I would welcome many sleepless nights over a child with autism who cringes at touch.  Through therapy and lots of time with Keller he now likes to cuddle and snuggle at times, but we find out his real heart in the middle of the night and I can only pray that one day he will let us rock him to sleep after a bad dream.

I want some of your mommas out there to consider the other side of co-sleeping – what it would feel like if your child completely resisted your touch in the middle of the night.  We should always consider the other side of any situation.  Sometimes our present difficulties and hardships are someone else’s most cherished dream.  Maybe smile the next time you feel a foot in your stomach during the night and think of those who would give anything for that kick.  I know I would.

There is always an other side.

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After the Mission Trip

September 8, 2014

Living in Ocean View allows us to be here before the missionaries come and long after they leave.

I do understand that I too am a missionary, but as the days, months, and years go on, Ocean View has become home to us and we consider ourselves a part of the community.  By God’s grace others do too!

A few months ago a missions team came to work with us and took over the church and its grounds for two weeks transforming everything they could get their hands on.  They did big projects, connected with our people, played with the kids and even ate in the homes of some of our church members.  It was a life-changing experience for the missionaries and impacted many of our church members.

But now it’s months later and we are still here in Ocean View with no one to rally the community with projects and outreaches.

So what does it look like AFTER THE MISSION TRIP?

Sometimes, unfortunately it doesn’t look good.  One thing that hurts my heart is when I see people I know here in Ocean View, mostly children, act a certain way around the missionaries who come to visit and then act another way after they have left.  One day while the missionaries were here, a boy who I know really well was walking through the church grounds (and didn’t notice me).  However he obviously saw the missionaries and had been hanging out with them for days.  He was trying to seem as if he was just casually and normally walking through the church grounds but he was LOUDLY singing a Christian worship song.  Suddenly as he came close to me I said hello to him and he met my eyes and laughed.  I have honestly never heard this boy sing a worship song in my life and I don’t think it was an accident that he was singing it in front of the missionaries.  Sometimes those we go to serve play roles towards us as we play roles towards them.  This hurts me because Jesus wants us JUST AS WE ARE.  We come to Him just as we are, broken and messed up, and we need those we serve with and alongside to meet us as their true selves.

Sometimes after the mission trip something changes for the better and it makes an impact far beyond the beginning project.  The church that visited us helped to start a garden and greenhouse and planted many of the plants while we were still in the cold winter months.  When they left they greenhouse was up but other than that all that sat there was a big square of dirt.

Here is what I love.  The American mission group didn’t leave a finished project tied in a bow, they left an undone project that needed nurturing, care and teamwork.  This is PERFECT.  This unfinished and baby garden has needed a LOT of work over the past months and there are no short-cuts in gardening.  Over the past months the women and men of this church have spent hours nurturing and watering the garden and now it is OVERFLOWING with greenery and life.

 This garden is growing and flourishing and beginning to provide for our community.

It is a beautiful thing.

PLANTING is a beautiful thing and GROWTH is a beautiful thing.

To me, this is a beautiful metaphor for what it should look like AFTER THE MISSION TRIP.

A mission team needs to know that they aren’t there to save the day or change the world.  We have one savior and it is JESUS.  But a mission team can PLANT SEEDS that can only grow and flourish after the team is long gone.  The missionaries were blessed and provided all that was needed to start this garden… and then they left.  Now those in the community have had to COME TOGETHER to make something beautiful grow.  These projects will only be fully brought to completion when those in our community work TOGETHER.  This is so good.

I am very proud of what it looks like at Ocean View Methodist AFTER the mission trip.

Why I Say it Out Loud

September 2, 2014

I sometimes realize that not everyone does the journey like we do it.

The journey of missions, the journey of family, the journey of special needs.

Not everyone finds the need to SAY EVERYTHING that they are feeling about the journey and publish it on the internet for the world to read.  Not EVERYONE does this I recently realized.

For me, I have this need, this push from within to write and share the places and steps of our journey, and I don’t even know why. However, I read from God’s word recently and realized why I say it out loud

“For the Lord is God,
    and he created the heavens and earth
    and put everything in place.
He made the world to be lived in,
    not to be a place of empty chaos.
“I am the Lord,” he says,
    “and there is no other.
I publicly proclaim bold promises.
    I do not whisper obscurities in some dark corner.
I would not have told the people of Israel to seek me
    if I could not be found.
I, the Lord, speak only what is true
    and declare only what is right.”

-Isaiah 45:18-19

I tell about our life OUT LOUD because I believe this scripture to be true.  I believe that God is GOD and we can publicly proclaim His promises without fear that He won’t hear us.  God says He can ALWAYS be found.  God says our earth is not a place of empty chaos.  This is HIS WORLD and we are HIS CHILDREN.  He puts everything into place INCLUDING MY LIFE.

Recently I realized that I was having a down day and my heart was hurting.  I was scared to say what I was feeling out loud.  Scared to let my heart show.  Scared to say what I DESPERATELY needed God to do and what God had told me He would do.

But then I read Isaiah 45 and realized I was in good company.  God’s people have always been in the gap between the promises and the promise WAITING ON THE PROMISER.  And they too were scared to say what they needed God to do.  But God responded to them.

God always responds.  He is never going to let us just drift into chaos and nothingness.  He is truly HOLDING ALL THINGS TOGETHER (Colossians 1:17).


So what do YOU need to be saying out loud?  What has God promised that you are still waiting for Him to fulfill?  Where are you terrified that He might not show up?  Where are you desperate for God?  We say these things out loud to reach for God together and so we allow Him to get ALL the glory when He does show up.  And He will.