Our home and and lives are FULL.
Full of people, full of conversations, full of ministry, full of heartbreak, full of celebration. Just FULL.
But I don’t share some of it on the blog. Actually I don’t share MOST of it on the blog or social media.
Thought it would be good to share why.
Our lives and ministry have always been intertwined and the same is true here in South Africa. We live our lives in a balanced way and make space for family time and renewal, but our home is often a place where people pour out their lives and heartache to us. Friends are family and are often ministry here.
So I can’t blog about that. I want to protect the privacy of those who share their hearts with me. It’s their story to tell, not mine.
So often I CAN’T blog about most of the stories that I hear. I hear of heartache and tragedy and pain. I hear of hope and vision and transformation. But they aren’t my stories to tell.
BUT. I still blog.
There are some stories I can tell. Mostly when I share I am telling of how these tragedies and transformations are changing ME. Sometimes I wonder if God will ever show up and do something. Sometimes I am in awe and wonder at the power and truth of God on the earth. And most of the time I am in between.
These stories of South Africa, this ministry, it changes me. It shakes me to my core and it lifts me to the heavens. God is alive and God is real. The people of Ocean View (and beyond) are a living testimony of that.
But it is THEIR TESTIMONY to share. Not mine.
So often I can’t blog, but when I can share I will. Trust me when I say that there is so much here. God is alive. Maybe you should come and see it for yourself??