Nichole Nordeman has this incredible song called 'Seasons' that gives me goosebumps every time I hear it. She talks about the seasons of the weather and how it is the same with us in God.
"And everything in time and under Heaven
Finally falls asleep
Wrapped in blankets white, all creation
Shivers underneath
And still I notice You when branches crack
And in my breath on frosted glass
Even now in death, You open doors for life to enter
You are winter" -Nichole Nordeman
Lately I have found myself in a season and it's one I don't particularly like.
There is a season I also don't like and it's winter. Winter is harsh. It's dark. It's cold. It's tiring. These words can describe the season of life I have been through in many ways, as well.
Seasons can be hard, and they can feel like they are never ending.
But recently, when I was talking once again to God about my current season, I heard him whisper sometimes extremely important. He whispered, "It's a SEASON."
This was a loud whisper because my particular season had been a season of SILENCE. But what was so stunningly important to hear from God was that it was a SEASON.
I immediately thought of the four seasons of weather and later this song.
That whisper was life to me because it was not God telling me he was taking away my circumstances, or going to now speak really loudly, or change all the things in my life that I don't like. But it was God reminding me that what I was facing, for me a season where God was glaringly silent, was just a season. And while seasons come and they come with a vengeance, while they can be slow, and dark, and cold and painful, they are only a season, and they eventually END.
Seasons are beautiful because they come and then they go, and at the end something new begins to sprout up and grow.
So I wait in my season and I look out the window, I rub the ground with my feet, and I look over the mountain for the spring breeze in the air. Because my season is just a season, and I am promised by God that something NEW is about to grow.
"And everything that's new has bravely surfaced
Teaching us to breathe
And what was frozen through is newly purposed
Turning all things green
So it is with You and how You make me new
With every season's change
And so it will be as You are re-creating me
Summer, autumn, winter, spring" - Nichole Nordeman
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