Since sharing my story about Keller and his recent autism diagnosis, I have been overwhelmed by so many of YOUR STORIES. As I have shared my story, you have shared yours. And I have been deeply inspired and moved.
I have heard stories of your struggles. Of unfulfilled dreams in motherhood and beyond. In the agony of my shared story you have lifted me with your own tales of courage and overcoming.
I have some really incredible people around me.
What strikes me is that so many of you have incredible stories of bravery and overcoming, and they have never been shared. You have told me about your heart and life but not shared it with the world. And I think the world is missing out. I think YOU are missing out by not telling your story.
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
We keep our stories to ourselves for many reasons. We don’t want to burden the world, we don’t want attention from the the world, we don’t want the world to know our private lives. All of these are fine reasons. I just think that in telling our stories, in sharing our testimonies, we get to see the glory of God walking with us in the midst of our hardship. We get to recognize that even in our darkest hours we were never alone. We see that though we thought we could never make it, we DID MAKE IT, and we became stronger in the trials. We realize the beauty in heartache and that what blooms after the rain is glorious.
Are you sharing YOUR story? What is untold in your life and heart and life that needs to be told? Tell it for others. Tell it so others know they aren’t alone. But most of all, tell it for you. TELLING your story and opening your heart brings FREEDOM. It brings healing. It brings hope.
It’s time for your story. Keep telling it. Personally, I have been humbled and amazed and strengthen by your stories. Thank you.